
Partners for Open Space is a statewide coalition of over 165 groups seeking to secure, save, and protect Maryland’s land conservation programs.

The continued significant diversion of dedicated land conservation funding for the last few years has sent a wake up call to the conservation, parks and recreation, agricultural preservation, and land trust communities. We must ensure that Maryland’s nationally acclaimed land conservation programs– Program Open Space (POS), the Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation, and Rural Legacy Program–are protected.

Program Open Space: 43 years of protecting open space and providing recreational opportunities for you and your family.

In the last 43 years, Program Open Space has led to the protection of over 400,000 acres of land. However, now there is a move to redirect funding for all land preservation programs, including Program Open Space.

Protecting Program Open Space funding is of critical importance to Maryland, because when our land is gone, it is gone forever.

Learn more about how Program Open Space works, about POS sites are near you, and about how you can TAKE ACTION to urge the Maryland General Assembly to continue funding this important program.

Also see the latest news on Program Open space and related Stateside programs, below.